CRIMAC contributions to the ICES Fisheries and Plankton Acoustics Symposium
The symposium was the seventh symposium on fisheries acoustics and technology for aquatic ecosystem investigations sponsored by ICES. The symposium was organized by the ICES Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology Working Group (WGFAST) and is the main venue for presenting and discussing topics related to plankton and fisheries acoustics worldwide. Central topics this year included the use of uncrewed survey vehicles, automated data processing pipelines and methods, and use of acoustics to evaluate potential effects of offshore energy on ecosystems.
CRIMAC made six contributions: four oral presentations and two posters. IMR contributed to 12 additional presentations and posters.
- Geir Pedersen presented Babak Khodabandeloo’s work on the use of broadband acoustics to resolve and identify nearby targets using different pulse durations.
- Rolf Korneliussen presented the work on estimation and removal of noise in broadband echosounders.
- Nils Olav Handegard presented Espen Johnsen’s work on how IMR is using and is planning to use uncrewed surface vehicles for ecosystem based marine surveys. He also presented IMRs experience in working on deep learning methods applied to fishery acoustic data.
CRIMAC also had two posters: one on direct measurements of the migration speed of spawning herring by Ona et al and one on the broad banded response of herring during vessel avoidance by Pedersen et al. The Analytics Session was co-convened by Nils Olav Handegard.