Havforsker Nils Olav Handegard
Photo: Erlend A. LorentzenNew project manager for CRIMAC
– I look forward to the challenges that awaits, he says.
CRIMAC (Center for Research-based Innovation in Marine Acoustic Abundance Estimation and Backscatter Classification) is where reseach meets the industry with the aim to improve and automate the interpretation of data and images from modern broadband acoustics on research vessels and fishing boats. The project lasts until 2028.
Marine researcher Egil Ona made sure the centre is well set off. Now, Nils Olav Handegard takes over as project manager.
Handegard has his background in acoustics, technology and information technology. He has wide experience with project management, both from The Institute of Marine Research and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
– Keeping up the pace and doing what we set out to will be the main focus for the time to come. I am also attentive that the insitute is to be an end user of CRIMAC's innovations, and not mereley a research partner, he says.
The Institute of Marine Research has ambitions to increase the use of automated acoustic intepretations or improved data handling on its scientific cruises.
See also the latest CRIMAC newsletter by project manager Nils Olav: August highlights